Diabetes is emerging to become one of the most diagnosed diseases in the world
More and more Australians are now being diagnosed with diabetes, which was once an old person’s disease, is now appearing in relatively young or middle-aged individuals. It can be a frightening prospect, especially when there is an abundance of confusing information around, along with the threat of numerous long-term side effects if blood glucose levels are not controlled.
At Thrive Dietetics we pride ourselves in keeping up to date with the current treatments and management for Type I, II, and Gestational Diabetes, and will help to clarify all the confusion. We have specialised approaches for those who may be pregnant, need to lose weight, or have high cholesterol / blood fat levels in addition to diabetes.
Whether you are newly-diagnosed or have had diabetes for a while and need an update, we will work closely with you, your endocrinologist, diabetes educator and/or GP to help you in managing your diabetes.